I have my Search head cluster in AWS and I am looking to set up an alert each time new SHC members get added to the SHC cluster and old members get removed.
I came across enabling "DMC Alert - Search Peer Not Responding", but it checks for all members (CM, Indexers, SHC members) added to MC .
Can you please suggest if there is any other way to set up only for SHC members?
Probably you should keep inventory for members of that SHC nodes and in regular base run alert which check current situation towards that inventory. When there are changes then update inventory also.
I cannot check exactly commands now, but you could use rest + internal indexes to get those information. More about those e.g. https://community.splunk.com/t5/Deployment-Architecture/Is-there-a-REST-API-call-for-getting-the-sta...
r. Ismo