I have a script located on my search head in /opt/splunk/bin/scripts/pull_data_to_splunk.py
I can execute the script manually in my search head. Here is the actual command:
python pull_data_into_splunk.py -api_key="my api key' -secret_key="mysecretcode' -url=myserver.abc.org -node_group_id=79
From the GUI, I go to Settings/Data Inputs/Scripts/Add New and when I try to save, I get this error:
Encountered the following error while trying to save: In handler 'script': The file "/opt/splunk/bin/scripts/python" does not exist.
IN the command field, what is the correct syntax?
Don't include "python". Just put in the name of your script.
no dice....I have a script in the following location:
When I try to save the Data Inputs/Scripts/Add new
I have the added in the command field:
When I try to save I get "Encountered the following error while trying to save: In handler 'script': The file "/opt/splunk/bin/scripts/pull_data_into_splunk_no_args.py" does not exist."
Did you put the no args script in /opt/splunk/bin/scripts as well (pull_data_into_splunk_no_args.py)?
Output: Encountered the following error while trying to save: In handler 'script': The file "/opt/splunk/bin/scripts/pull_data_into_splunk.py" does not exist.
Here is what I have in the command field:
opt/splunk/bin/scripts/python pull_data_into_splunk.py -api_key="my api key' -secret_key="mysecretcode' -url=myserver.abc.org -node_group_id=79
Am I missing quotes?
the example shown on the setup wizard - On Unix: /opt/splunk/bin/scripts/getData.sh foo "bar baz"
correction...this is whats in the command field:
opt/splunk/bin/scripts/pull_data_into_splunk.py -api_key="my api key' -secret_key="mysecretcode' -url=myserver.abc.org -node_group_id=79