Deployment Architecture

Splunk hight monitoring memory vs VM low memory used


Hi splunkers !


I got a question about memory. 


In my splunk monitoring console, I get approx 90% of memory used by splunk processes. The amount of memory is 48 Gb

In my VCenter, I can see that only half of the assigned memory is used (approx 24 Gb over 48Gb available).


Who is telling me the truth : Splunk monitoring or Vcenter.

And overall, is there somthing to configure in Splunk to fit the entire available memory.


Splunk 9.2.2 / redhat 7.8

Thank you .



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1 Solution


Splunk information is a snap shot in time and reflects the reality every 10 seconds.

index=_introspection sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage component=Hostwide
| eval pct_mem=round(('data.mem_used'/'data.mem')*100,2)
| timechart span=10s max(pct_mem) as pct_mem

That will give you the overall view.

index=_introspection sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage component=PerProcess "data.mem_used"="*"
| rename data.* as *
| timechart span=10s max(mem_used) as mem_used by process_type

This will break it down by process over time.


Review with your VM metrics, perhaps VMC is reporting averages or median per time period.

View solution in original post

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Hi, there were average values due to time period too large.

0 Karma


Splunk information is a snap shot in time and reflects the reality every 10 seconds.

index=_introspection sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage component=Hostwide
| eval pct_mem=round(('data.mem_used'/'data.mem')*100,2)
| timechart span=10s max(pct_mem) as pct_mem

That will give you the overall view.

index=_introspection sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage component=PerProcess "data.mem_used"="*"
| rename data.* as *
| timechart span=10s max(mem_used) as mem_used by process_type

This will break it down by process over time.


Review with your VM metrics, perhaps VMC is reporting averages or median per time period.

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