We installed the forwarders looking for a deployment server and typed in the splunk server hostname. We actually did not want this and I"m not sure why we even did this. Anyways we would like to disable the phone home bit from each client with an installed forwarder, where/how do I go about doing this? I imagine it's a one-line change.
disabled = True
In the deploymentclient.conf file on the fowarder should stop it from connecting.
Note that you could probably safely remove the deploymentclient.conf if you don't want any of this functionality. The installer (on Windows) creates this file from scratch with data you provide during the install wizard.
Create a deploymentclient.conf in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/ on that Splunk forwarder instance with the following content and restart the forwarder:
disabled = true
Thanks for responding, however we cannot find the filename "deploymentclient.conf" What's the path to the file?