Hello Experts, I have been trying all day to get this working.Not even sure if this works with my setup. I have Splunk ENT trials installed on two laptops. On Laptop A(Mac) , i enabled clustering and made it as Master peer. On Laptop B(Windows) i tried to add the following stanza to server.conf on /Splunk/etc/system/local
master_uri = https: / / 192.168.xx.xx:8089
mode = slave
pass4SymmKey = xxxxx. Save. Now after this, it doesn't let me start splunkd (Once i remove this stanza, i can start splunkd)
I have checked the log from /var/log/splunk/splunkd.log and this is what it says
"ERROR: The replication_port port [8080] is already bound.Splunk needs to use this port" . If i need to use a different port for replication, where and how to set it for the master peer? . Thanks in advance!
Your peer (B) is not starting because 8080 is in use. On the peer's server.conf, change
to something else, like
ahhh....That makes a lot of sense....Thank you!!!!
only peers have replication ports. just choose any open port - it doesn't need to match any other peer/master configuration. (the port is used to transfer data to/between other peers, diff peers can have same or different replication ports - doesnt matter)
gotcha, quick question, when it asks for replication_port on Peer B, is it not asking for Master's replication port #? Do i need to set this replication port for both in that case?