Using a lookup to enrich a trellis graph.
initially added the text to the split by value which works ok.
until you do a drilldown
Is there someway inert the text as the y-axis title
Or is the there a way in search on the linked drilldown dashboard to strip the text from the passed value
Stripped back source
| eval NewTime=strptime(BATCH_DATE, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
| eval _time=NewTime
| rex field=ROW_SUB_HEADER ".*:\s(?P<Code>\d{3})"
| rename ROW_HEADER as Site, DATA_VALUE as Value
| lookup fault_codes Code OUTPUT Phrase
| eval CodePhrase = Code+" -- "+Phrase
| chart max(Value) as Value over _time by CodePhrase limit=100</query>
chart options removed
<link target="_blank">/app/production/site_process_code?code=$trellis.value$</link>
Can you share the SimpleXML you already have so we can see what you are working with?