Dashboards & Visualizations

Why am I getting 404 errors trying to drilldown into a form in another dashboard using XML?

Path Finder

I'm using the XML below. I'm trying to allow users to select a field in a panel and use that field to populate a form in another dashboard. I keep receiving a 404 error even when I use the full path(That's not the full path below). What am I doing wrong?

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

It looks like the issue here is related to the url route to your dashboard.

Of note, URL routes do not match 1-for-1 to files on disk.

Couple quick examples:

(1) If the target dashboard is in the same app context as the origin dashboard, you can use the following:


(2) If the target dashboard is in a different app context from the origin dashboard, you can use the following:

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