I'm using a gauge in a dashboard which is showing space used by total size on disk:
| dbinspect index=* OR index=_* | where splunk_server like("splunkindexername%") | eval SizeOnDiskGB=sizeOnDiskMB/1024 | eval RawSizeGB=rawSize/1024/1024/1024 | stats sum(SizeOnDiskGB) AS TotalSizeOnDiskGB | eval TotalSizeOnDiskGB=round(TotalSizeOnDiskGB, 0) | gauge TotalSizeOnDiskGB 0 42000 51000 60000
I want to show percentage of space used instead.. Any ideas?
You will of course need either a figure of the available space or knowledge of the total size of the disk. When you have that, it's a simple thing such as
your_search_without_gauge | eval percent_used=TotalSizeOnDiskGB/(freeSpaceGB+TotalSizeOnDiskGB)
your_search_without_gauge | eval percent_used=TotalSizeOnDiskGB/totalDiskGB
From there you could output percent_used to a single value display.