Dashboards & Visualizations

Simple xml : I want to create cool single value display html

Ultra Champion
   <fieldset submitButton="true" autoRun="true">
     <input type="time" token="field1">
           <query>| makeresults count=2
 | streamstats count
 | eval _time = if (count==2,relative_time(_time,"-2h@m"), relative_time(_time,"@m")) 
 | makecontinuous span=1m _time
 | eval count=random() % 200
 | timechart span=10m sum(count) as PerfMon
 | streamstats list(PerfMon) as PM window=4
 | eval PM_30min=if(mvcount(PM)==4,mvindex(PM,0),NULL)
 | reverse
 | table _time PerfMon PM_30min |head 1|eval range=if(PerfMon / PM_30min > 2 OR PerfMon / PM_30min < 0.5 , "#FF0000" , "#008000")</query>
               <set token="value">$result.PerfMon$</set>
               <set token="color">$result.range$</set>
         <option name="drilldown">none</option>
         <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
       <html id="test">
             #test {height:200px;}

 p {display:block;
    color: $color$;
    font-size: 12ex;}
   <div id="sample">

Hi, folks.
I am trying to create a dashboard that displays a single value. (Splunk ver 8.0.1)
I am trying to change the font color when there is more than 50% difference from the previous value.
Since rangemap doesn't work well, I gave up single value dashboard.

I tried to make it but it doesn't look cool.
Please let me know if there is a good way to change the background color, font color, or display method.

0 Karma
1 Solution


@to4kawa try the following run anywhere example with the three options to display customized single value in Splunk Dashboard. Please try out and confirm!

  1. Option 1 uses <html> panel with CSS override as per your question.
  2. Option 2 uses built in<single> value visualization.
  3. Option 3 uses Status Indicator Custom visualization by Splunk.

alt text

Refer to one of my older answer where I have explained something similar using Single Value ( with icon ) and Status Indicator: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/590581/refresh-data-in-table-by-collecting-token-on-click.html

Also here is an answer for <html> panel with icon and drilldown in case you need it: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/741114/how-to-drill-down-from-custom-result-value-1.html

  <label>HTML Single Value</label>
  <fieldset submitButton="true" autoRun="true">
    <input type="time" token="field1">
        <title>Option 1 - Using HTML Panel</title>
              <set token="value1">$result.PerfMon$</set>
              <set token="color1">$result.range$</set>
          <query>| makeresults count=2 
| streamstats count 
| eval _time = if (count==2,relative_time(_time,"-2h@m"), relative_time(_time,"@m")) 
| makecontinuous span=1m _time 
| eval count=random() % 200 
| timechart span=10m sum(count) as PerfMon 
| streamstats list(PerfMon) as PM window=4 
| eval PM_30min=if(mvcount(PM)==4,mvindex(PM,0),NULL) 
| reverse 
| table _time PerfMon PM_30min 
| head 1 
| eval range=if(PerfMon / PM_30min > 2 OR PerfMon / PM_30min < 0.5 , "#FF0000" , "#008000")</query>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
    <panel id="html_single_1">
      <html id="html1">
              #html_single_1 #html1{
              #html_single_1 .dashboard-panel{
                background: $color1$ !important;
              #sample p{
                color: white;
                font-weight: bold;
                text-align: center;
                font-size: 12ex;
                position: absolute;
                top: 40%;
            <div id="sample">
        <title>Option 2 - Using Single Value</title>
              <set token="value2">$result.PerfMon$</set>
              <set token="color2">$result.range$</set>
          <query>| makeresults count=2 
| streamstats count 
| eval _time = if (count==2,relative_time(_time,"-2h@m"), relative_time(_time,"@m")) 
| makecontinuous span=1m _time 
| eval count=random() % 200 
| timechart span=10m sum(count) as PerfMon 
| streamstats list(PerfMon) as PM window=4 
| eval PM_30min=if(mvcount(PM)==4,mvindex(PM,0),NULL) 
| reverse 
| table _time PerfMon PM_30min 
| head 1 
| eval range=if(PerfMon / PM_30min > 2 OR PerfMon / PM_30min < 0.5 , "#FF0000" , "#008000")</query>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
          <query>| makeresults
            | fields - _time
            | eval Value=$value2$
        <option name="colorMode">block</option>
        <option name="rangeColors">["$color2$","$color2$"]</option>
        <option name="rangeValues">[0]</option>
        <option name="useColors">1</option>
        <title>Option 3 - Using Status Indicator Custom Viz</title>
        <search id="bStats">
              <set token="value3">$result.PerfMon$</set>
              <set token="color3">$result.range$</set>
          <query>| makeresults count=2 
| streamstats count 
| eval _time = if (count==2,relative_time(_time,"-2h@m"), relative_time(_time,"@m")) 
| makecontinuous span=1m _time 
| eval count=random() % 200 
| timechart span=10m sum(count) as PerfMon 
| streamstats list(PerfMon) as PM window=4 
| eval PM_30min=if(mvcount(PM)==4,mvindex(PM,0),NULL) 
| reverse 
| head 1
| eval color=if(PerfMon / PM_30min > 2 OR PerfMon / PM_30min < 0.5 , "#FF0000" , "#008000"),
       icon=if(PerfMon / PM_30min > 2 OR PerfMon / PM_30min < 0.5 , "times-circle" , "check-circle")
| table PerfMon icon color</query>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
      <viz type="status_indicator_app.status_indicator">
        <search base="bStats">
        <option name="height">115</option>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.colorBy">field_value</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.fillTarget">background</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.fixIcon">warning</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.icon">field_value</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.precision">0</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.showOption">1</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.staticColor">#555</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.useColors">true</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.useThousandSeparator">false</option>
| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"

View solution in original post

Ultra Champion

Thank you , @niketnilay @vnravikumar
Both were cool.
I'll do this.

0 Karma



Give a try with following css

      <html id="test">
                   text-align: center;
                   width: 100%;
             #test p {
                  display: inline-block; 
                  margin: 0 auto;
                  height: 60px;
                  width: 50%;
                  font-size: 6ex;
                  color : white;
                  background-color: $color$;
              <div id="sample">
0 Karma


@to4kawa try the following run anywhere example with the three options to display customized single value in Splunk Dashboard. Please try out and confirm!

  1. Option 1 uses <html> panel with CSS override as per your question.
  2. Option 2 uses built in<single> value visualization.
  3. Option 3 uses Status Indicator Custom visualization by Splunk.

alt text

Refer to one of my older answer where I have explained something similar using Single Value ( with icon ) and Status Indicator: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/590581/refresh-data-in-table-by-collecting-token-on-click.html

Also here is an answer for <html> panel with icon and drilldown in case you need it: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/741114/how-to-drill-down-from-custom-result-value-1.html

  <label>HTML Single Value</label>
  <fieldset submitButton="true" autoRun="true">
    <input type="time" token="field1">
        <title>Option 1 - Using HTML Panel</title>
              <set token="value1">$result.PerfMon$</set>
              <set token="color1">$result.range$</set>
          <query>| makeresults count=2 
| streamstats count 
| eval _time = if (count==2,relative_time(_time,"-2h@m"), relative_time(_time,"@m")) 
| makecontinuous span=1m _time 
| eval count=random() % 200 
| timechart span=10m sum(count) as PerfMon 
| streamstats list(PerfMon) as PM window=4 
| eval PM_30min=if(mvcount(PM)==4,mvindex(PM,0),NULL) 
| reverse 
| table _time PerfMon PM_30min 
| head 1 
| eval range=if(PerfMon / PM_30min > 2 OR PerfMon / PM_30min < 0.5 , "#FF0000" , "#008000")</query>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
    <panel id="html_single_1">
      <html id="html1">
              #html_single_1 #html1{
              #html_single_1 .dashboard-panel{
                background: $color1$ !important;
              #sample p{
                color: white;
                font-weight: bold;
                text-align: center;
                font-size: 12ex;
                position: absolute;
                top: 40%;
            <div id="sample">
        <title>Option 2 - Using Single Value</title>
              <set token="value2">$result.PerfMon$</set>
              <set token="color2">$result.range$</set>
          <query>| makeresults count=2 
| streamstats count 
| eval _time = if (count==2,relative_time(_time,"-2h@m"), relative_time(_time,"@m")) 
| makecontinuous span=1m _time 
| eval count=random() % 200 
| timechart span=10m sum(count) as PerfMon 
| streamstats list(PerfMon) as PM window=4 
| eval PM_30min=if(mvcount(PM)==4,mvindex(PM,0),NULL) 
| reverse 
| table _time PerfMon PM_30min 
| head 1 
| eval range=if(PerfMon / PM_30min > 2 OR PerfMon / PM_30min < 0.5 , "#FF0000" , "#008000")</query>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
          <query>| makeresults
            | fields - _time
            | eval Value=$value2$
        <option name="colorMode">block</option>
        <option name="rangeColors">["$color2$","$color2$"]</option>
        <option name="rangeValues">[0]</option>
        <option name="useColors">1</option>
        <title>Option 3 - Using Status Indicator Custom Viz</title>
        <search id="bStats">
              <set token="value3">$result.PerfMon$</set>
              <set token="color3">$result.range$</set>
          <query>| makeresults count=2 
| streamstats count 
| eval _time = if (count==2,relative_time(_time,"-2h@m"), relative_time(_time,"@m")) 
| makecontinuous span=1m _time 
| eval count=random() % 200 
| timechart span=10m sum(count) as PerfMon 
| streamstats list(PerfMon) as PM window=4 
| eval PM_30min=if(mvcount(PM)==4,mvindex(PM,0),NULL) 
| reverse 
| head 1
| eval color=if(PerfMon / PM_30min > 2 OR PerfMon / PM_30min < 0.5 , "#FF0000" , "#008000"),
       icon=if(PerfMon / PM_30min > 2 OR PerfMon / PM_30min < 0.5 , "times-circle" , "check-circle")
| table PerfMon icon color</query>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
      <viz type="status_indicator_app.status_indicator">
        <search base="bStats">
        <option name="height">115</option>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.colorBy">field_value</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.fillTarget">background</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.fixIcon">warning</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.icon">field_value</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.precision">0</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.showOption">1</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.staticColor">#555</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.useColors">true</option>
        <option name="status_indicator_app.status_indicator.useThousandSeparator">false</option>
| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"
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