I have a bunch of panels for distinctive purposes. (say about 100-200).
In my use case scenario:
I would like to be able to share these panels with other users so they can create their own dashboards.
Is there a way to generate dashboards using some Splunk Sdk or some service as a code? Like if I want a dashboard to contain 10 panels, can i just use the panel source codes and combine them into a dashboard in a way thats reliable and wont cause issues on dashboard imports?
Would be happy to clarify more if needed.
When you create or modify a dashboard, click the Add Panel button and a sidebar will appear on the right. Selections in the sidebar include "Clone from dashboard" and "Add Prebuilt Panel". The former allows the user to copy a panel from an existing dashboard. The latter lets the user select from a list of existing panels independent of dashboards.
To create a panel, go to Settings->User Interfaces and click on Prebuilt Panels.
Thanks for the reply.
What i wanted to know was what would be the best way to share a library of pre-built panels?
Also is there a way to generate dashboards from code?
As I mentioned before, go to Settings->User interface->Prebuilt Panels to access the library of pre-built panels in your environment. There are none that come with Splunk so everything there is what was created by users on your system. Each panel can be shared the same as any other Splunk knowledge object (private, app, or global).
Dashboards are written in Simple XML. It's common for those who build a lot of dashboards to do so in their editor of choice and then transfer the code to Splunk. You might even be able to create a dashboard generator on your own using building blocks common to your dashboards, but Splunk does not provide such a feature.
Thanks. That helped clarify things.
Just wanted to check if there was a Splunk recommended or supported way of reliably generating panels from XML or JSON.
Also is there an interchangeable way of converting an XML panel to JSON? (without doing it from the browser)
Im mainly interested in the all the things we can achieve by code to scale up processes.
The Splunk UI offers a way to clone Simple XML dashboards into JSON dashboards, but that's a one-way process. Also, so far, JSON does not support all features currently available in Simple XML. I don't know if there's an API for the conversion.