Hi Everyone,
Below is my query:
index="abc*" OR index="xyz*" | eval raw_len=len(_raw) | eval GB=raw_len/pow(1024,3) | timechart sum(GB) as total_GB by sourcetype
I am displaying the trend for last 7 days.
Since its a saved search I want to display last 7 days for last 3 months.
Can someone guide me how is that possible.
Thanks in advance
index=_internal earliest=0 sourcetype=splunkd_*| bin span=1d _time | stats sum(eval(len(_raw))) as bytes by _time sourcetype
| eval KB=round(bytes/1024,2)
| streamstats window=3 avg(KB) as trend by sourcetype
| fields - bytes
| xyseries _time sourcetype KB trend
try bin and stats , not timechart
index=_internal earliest=0 sourcetype=splunkd_*| bin span=1d _time | stats sum(eval(len(_raw))) as bytes by _time sourcetype
| eval KB=round(bytes/1024,2)
| streamstats window=3 avg(KB) as trend by sourcetype
| fields - bytes
| xyseries _time sourcetype KB trend
try bin and stats , not timechart