Hello All,
I am having some trouble getting my head wrapped around the use of the required library to pull the passed token value from the URL string. I have seen this page: link text and I still dont get it.
I would like to call a page of my app with a token specified. ie: mylongserverurlstring?token=passedvalue
Then, what I am having an issue with is understanding the proper use of the splunkJS library to enable token extraction functionality.
I need something that clearly spells out how to use : splunkjs.mvc.Components.get('default').set('mytoken', value) library.
Currently my JS looks like:
<iframe src=$token|s$ id="myframe"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageloading = true;
var iframe=document.getElementById('myframe');
window.open(url, "myframe");
My goal is to pull the token from the initial URL string and plug it into the iframe src.
Thank you for the help!!
solving with URLloader from sideview....