Dashboards & Visualizations

How to edit my dashboard searches as I change the time range from Last Hour to Last 30 Days and maintain or improve performance?


I have a dashboard that displays a number of charts taking into account the last one hour of data and automatically refreshes every 5 minutes. It works fine.

Now my management wants the similar chart for last one month's data instead of last one hour. Obviously, if I try to run my search as is with last 30 days data, it runs like a snail, which is expected.

Can anyone suggest me clue as how to make it faster? Is summary index a good option or there are other ways to run searches faster? I have listed the search commands that I used in my dashboard below:

index=webproxy eventtype=ironport_proxy | eval download=sc_bytes/1024/1024 | stats sum(download) by host

index=webproxy eventtype=ironport_proxy |  stats count by "Display Name" | sort limit=10 count desc

index=webproxy eventtype=ironport_proxy | eval MegaByte=sc_bytes/1048576 | stats max(MegaByte) by "Display Name" | sort limit=10 max(MegaByte) desc

index=webproxy eventtype=ironport_proxy | eval MegaByte=sc_bytes/1048576 | stats max(MegaByte) by c_ip | sort limit=10 max(MegaByte) desc

index=webproxy eventtype=ironport_proxy  | rex field=cs_url "\/\/(?P<s_hostname>[^/]*)" | eval MegaByte=sc_bytes/1048576 | stats max(MegaByte) by s_hostname | sort limit=10 max(MegaByte) desc

index=webproxy eventtype=ironport_proxy | stats count by c_ip | sort limit=10 -count

index=webproxy eventtype=ironport_proxy s_hostname!="-" sc_bytes=* | bucket _time span=1w | eval download=sc_bytes/1024/1024 | eval minute=strftime(_time,"%H:%M") | chart sum(download) over minute by host

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

It looks like your searches are well formatted already.

Since you are running stats command, you should build a summary index with the sistats command.

Other alternatives are to create and accelerated data models: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.1/Knowledge/Aboutdatamodels . This will help you to provide a fast and easy way to your management to build reports.

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