I have dashboard which contains three inputs and a single panel which one search.
input 1: It's a dropdown with following name and values:
a: 1
b: 2
input2: It's a dropdown with following name and values:
Jan: "earliest=01/01/2020 00:00:00" latest=01/01/2020 24:00:00"
Feb: "earliest=01/02/2020 00:00:00" latest=01/02/2020 24:00:00"
input3: it's time
when i choose input1 as 1, input2 should be shown and input3 needs to be hidden and whatever the value i choose from input2(month) need to be passed to the search.
when i choose input1 as 2, input3 should be shown and input2 needs to be hidden and whatever the value i choose from input3(time) need to be passed to the search.
@sbollam please try the following run anywhere example. See if it fits your needs
<label>Dynamically Send the Token</label>
<unset token="runSearch"></unset>
<unset token="showInput2"></unset>
<unset token="showInput3"></unset>
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="dropdown" token="input1" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="1">1</choice>
<choice value="2">2</choice>
<condition value="1">
<set token="showInput2">true</set>
<unset token="showInput3"></unset>
<unset token="runSearch"></unset>
<unset token="form.input3"></unset>
<condition value="2">
<set token="showInput3">true</set>
<unset token="showInput2"></unset>
<unset token="runSearch"></unset>
<unset token="form.input2"></unset>
<input depends="$showInput2$" type="dropdown" token="input2" searchWhenChanged="true">
<search depends="$showInput2$">
<query>| makeresults count=12
| fields - _time
| streamstats count as sno
| eval prev=sno-1
| eval label=strftime(relative_time(now(),"@y+".prev."mon"),"%b")
| eval value="earliest=\"@y+".prev."mon\" latest=\"@y+".prev."mon+1d-1s\""</query>
<condition match="isnotnull($value$)">
<set token="runSearch">$value$</set>
<unset token="runSearch"></unset>
<input depends="$showInput3$" type="dropdown" token="input3">
<search depends="$showInput3$">
<query>| makeresults
| fields - _time
| eval label="yesterday",value="earliest=-1d@d latest=-0d@d-1s"</query>
<condition match="isnotnull($value$)">
<set token="runSearch">$value$</set>
<unset token="runSearch"></unset>
<search depends="$runSearch$">
<query>| makeresults
| eval inputValue=$runSearch|s$</query>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>