I've created a chart using the search: base search | chart values(y) over x
It charts perfectly except for the fact that there isn't an interval for the x axis, and I haven't been able to find a way to edit in an interval through UI options or XML editing.
Is it even possible to have intervals on the x axis if it's not time based? And if it's possible how?
Hi @adonio what i want is to provide an interval for x axis. suppose if x axis represents percentage i want the x axis scale to show 0,10,20,30......100% with 10% interval.
can you share some events to better understand what your data looks like?
this works well for me:
| makeresults count=1
| eval percent = "0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100"
| makemv delim="," percent
| mvexpand percent
| eval values = random()%10000
| chart sum(values) as budget over percent
can you elaborate a little?
what is the desired chart should look like? are you looking for example to have a column (bar) with 0 values between bars with values if for example for x=1 y=10 and for x=3 y=20 but there arent any values for x=2 ?
Hi @adonio what i want is to to plot a chart with x axis as percentage and y axis as budget. the axis scale should be 0,10,20,....100% with 10% interval. Iam not able to specify this interval in UI edit page..is there a way where i can achieve this?