index=a host=has 4 hosts
index=b host=has 4 hosts
Can we do a timechart with stacked column, categorizing the hosts by index and having the individual count of the hosts in each stack...??
I am able to do a timechart by category based on this answer, but i am looking for a way if i can do individual counts of each host in a stacked column too..??
Assuming you need output like _time host1 host2 ... total_a total_b
, give this a try
your base search
| bucket span=10m _time ***assuming you want to bucket time. update as required***
| stats count by _time index host
| appendpipe [| stats sum(count) as count by _time index | eval host="total_".index ]
| timechart span=10m sum(count) by host
Assuming you need output like _time host1 host2 ... total_a total_b
, give this a try
your base search
| bucket span=10m _time ***assuming you want to bucket time. update as required***
| stats count by _time index host
| appendpipe [| stats sum(count) as count by _time index | eval host="total_".index ]
| timechart span=10m sum(count) by host
I am almost there, but index A,B Totals and Individuals hosts are on a single stack, is there any way i can do a different stacked columns for each IndexA Total with Individual host counts, Index B Total with individual host counts.?
Not sure if that's possible. See if this workaround works for you.
your base search
| bucket span=10m _time
| stats count by _time index host
| appendpipe [ | where index="a" | timechart span=10m sum(count) by host | addtotals | rename Total as Total_a | eval keep=1 ]
| appendpipe [ | where index="b" | timechart span=10m sum(count) by host | addtotals | rename Total as Total_b | _time=_time+1 | eval keep=1 ]
| where keep=1 | sort 0 _time
This search works fine, i did some chart overlay with the total counts in my case. Thanks..!!
Are you starting with something like index=a OR index=b | timechart count by host
yes, that works fine to get the individual count of the host in the stacked column, + i am also expecting to do a total count by index within the stacked column...??
This is what i did so far, where i can get the total count by category(index=a and index=b), but i am looking for if there's a way we can do individual counts within this search...
your base search giving fields host, _time
| ...some logic to get category field there...
| bucket _time span=10m ***assuming you want to bucket time. update as required***
| stats count by _time group host
| appendpipe [| stats sum(count) as count by _time group | eval
group=group."- Total" ]
| timechart span=10m sum(count) by group