I have the search below that produces the result I wanted (hourly average count per day for the past four days)
search | timechart span=1h count | eval weekday=strftime(_time,"%A") | eval hour=strftime(_time,"%H") | stats avg(count) by hour weekday
The chart shows four columns representing each date for first hour (00) then another four columns for the next hour (01) and so on. However, all the columns only have one color so it is hard to distinguish each date. Is there a way to have different colors per date?
Change from stats
to chart
like this:
index=main | timechart span=1h count | eval weekday=strftime(_time,"%A") | eval hour=strftime(_time,"%H") | chart avg(count) by hour weekday
Change from stats
to chart
like this:
index=main | timechart span=1h count | eval weekday=strftime(_time,"%A") | eval hour=strftime(_time,"%H") | chart avg(count) by hour weekday
Thank you!