I have a drop down that will let a user select a host in order to view the cpu usage for a particluar time frame, however the search isn't working. I'm poking and proding but can't quite determine what I'm missing.
Here is my config -
<searchTemplate> host=%Server% counter="% Processor Time" | timechart avg(Value) by host</searchTemplate>
<input type="dropdown" token="Server">
<choice value="*">Any</choice>
<populatingSearch fieldForValue="host" fieldForLabel="host">
<![CDATA[host=%Server% counter="% Processor Time" | timechart avg(Value) by host]]>
<input type="time"/>
<default>Last 24hrs</default>
The only value that shows up in the dropdown in the word "Any"
<searchTemplate>host=$host$ counter="% Processor Time" | timechart avg(Value) by host</searchTemplate>
<input type="dropdown" token="host" >
<label>Select Server</label>
<choice value="*">Any</choice>
<populatingSearch fieldForValue="host" fieldForLabel="host">
<![CDATA[ counter="% Processor Time" | stats count by host]]>
This ended up working, however it seems the populaing of the dropdown seems to take a while.
earliest=-60m for "60 minutes ago"
( http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/SearchTimeModifiers )
I use the input type="time" to control what the search range is. Is that what you are refering to?
Can you limit the time range for the search?
That search output does not generate host feild. Check the output of the search. Try " stats count by host" and see if you can see a list of host in the dropdown.
Why are you using the % character in your populatingSearch? Variable names are referred to by enclosing them in $ characters.