I want to execute different SPL query in Dashboard studio panel on the basis of dropdown value.
Drop down have two item only, if we select "Item1" in dropdown then in particular panel of Dashboard should execute "Query1" if selected "item2" in dropdown then in same panel of Dashboard studio should execute "Query2"
item1 = "Aruba NetWorks"
Item2 = "Cisco"
Query1 = index=dot1x_index sourcetype=cisco_failed_src OR sourcetype=aruba_failed_src| | eval node= if(isnotnull(node_vendor),"Cisco","Aruba NetWorks")| search node = $<dropdown token>$ | table node_dns node_ip region
Query2 = index=dot1x_index sourcetype=cisco_failed_src OR sourcetype=aruba_failed_src| eval node= if(isnotnull(node_vendor),"Cisco","Aruba NetWorks")| search node = $<dropdown token>$ | table Name
Kindly Guide.
Abhineet Kumar
Try setting the value of the dropdowns to be the parts of the search which are different
label1 as Aruba NetWorks, value1 as node = "Aruba NetWorks"| table node_dns node_ip region
label2 as Cisco, value2 as node = "Cisco"| table Name
Then change your search to use the token like this
index=dot1x_index sourcetype=cisco_failed_src OR sourcetype=aruba_failed_src| eval node= if(isnotnull(node_vendor),"Cisco","Aruba NetWorks")| search $<dropdown token>$
Hi Thanks for reply
We can't make changes to dropdown as dropdown fields populates from SPL query and it's uses by other panel in dashboard.
need assistance to make changes in panel SPL query itself so it pick query on the basis of dropdown field.
other if you could help me to makes changes in json code to manage both SPL query according to dropdown menu.
Abhineet Kumar
I am not sure it is possible with Dashboard Studio (which I assume you are using since you mentioned JSON). With Classic / SimpleXML dashboards, you can use a change handler on the dropdown to set additional tokens based on the choice made.