How to display timechart for specific time period for specific business days.
Eg: index="someindex" |dedup eventid| timechart count(_raw) by eventName span=60m for monday,tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday during 6pm - 8pm. Or for specific dates .How can achieve this?
thanks in advance
You can do this if you have the date_wday field in your data
index="someindex" date_wday IN ("monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday") date_hour>=18 date_hour<20
| dedup eventid
| timechart count(_raw) by eventName span=60m
If you don't have those fields you can do
| eval date_wday=strftime(_time, "%a")
| eval date_hour=strftime(_time, "%H")
| search date_wday IN ("mon","tue","wed","thu","fri") date_hour>=18 date_hour<20
| dedup eventid
| timechart count(_raw) by eventName span=60m
thanks, it helped .
You can do this if you have the date_wday field in your data
index="someindex" date_wday IN ("monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday") date_hour>=18 date_hour<20
| dedup eventid
| timechart count(_raw) by eventName span=60m
If you don't have those fields you can do
| eval date_wday=strftime(_time, "%a")
| eval date_hour=strftime(_time, "%H")
| search date_wday IN ("mon","tue","wed","thu","fri") date_hour>=18 date_hour<20
| dedup eventid
| timechart count(_raw) by eventName span=60m