I have the below log and I'm using the following regex to extract these fields "date", "process" ,"step", "user", "log level"
rex "^(?<Date>\d+-\d+-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)\s+\[[^\]]*\]\s+\[(?<Process>\[[^\]]+\][^\]]+)\]\s+\[(?<Step>[^\]]+)\]\s+\[(?<User>[^\]]+)\]\s+[^\[]+\[(?<Log_level>[^\]]+)
When the log is like the first entry data is extracted without an issue, but once it's like the last three entries nothing is extracted, how can I solve this.
2021-09-28 10:20:27 [machine-run-76416-hit-644640-step-12470][Business Process Name][Business Process Step Name][Bot Users] MetadataStorage [ERROR] Boot failed
2022-04-04 23:30:16 [http-nio-] [] [] [] DataBaseChecker [DEBUG] Checking MySQL ...
2022-04-04 23:30:16 [http-nio-] [] [] [] DatabaseVersionChecker [INFO] Database is up to date.
2022-04-04 23:30:16 [http-nio-] [] [] [] DataBaseChecker [DEBUG] Checking PostgreSQL ...
2022-04-04 23:30:16 [http-nio-] [] [] [] OcrHealthChecker [DEBUG] Checking OCR ...
Your log messages don't quite tally with the regex you say works (as @gcusello ) pointed out. If the spaces are supposed to be absent, try this
Your log messages don't quite tally with the regex you say works (as @gcusello ) pointed out. If the spaces are supposed to be absent, try this
Thanks this works, how can I also extract the words after the error? So i can identify the error that I received
Hi @sphiwee,
please check this regex:
| rex "^(?<timestamp>\d+-\d+-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)\s+\[[^\]]*\]\s+\[(?<business_process_name>[^\]]*)\]\s+\[(?<business_process_step>[^\]]*)\]\s+\[(?<users>[^\]]*)\]\s+\w+\s+\[(?<error>[^\]]*)\]"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/NuLFWU/1
put attention to this point: you have some missing space in the first row.