I have made a custom App on Splunk.
Now i want to blackbox it, i.e i wanna hide all my custom XML files wen i deploy it onto another system. Basically i want to hide the code.
Is this possible?
No, the XML files is what Splunk reads, so if you don't have them available to Splunk, there's nothing for Splunk to read.
You could submit an ER for Splunk to make a way to "compile" an app. I think this is a bad idea. If your 'logic' is in the form of Splunk searches, those searches will clearly appear in Splunk's own internal logs. To monetize an app, you are going to have to count on licensing, copyright, and honest people. If your app is groundbreaking you might do better as a Splunk partner, reselling Splunk integrated with your app, providing services and support for the total package. But trying to provide your app as an opaque object for any Splunk user to install ... you're gonna have a bad time.
How can i then monetize a splunk app?
I dont want to reveal the logic behind the Use case i have created
I suppose you could play around with user and file permissions? - probably start getting "messy" though...