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This Week's Community Digest - Splunk Community Happenings [02.28.2022]

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Splunk Employee

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This Week From Splunk Answers…✍️

We love seeing comments on Splunk Answers posts and watching the community engage! We know that making a comment or reply to a post can feel a bit scary the first time. You might be asking yourself, "Do I know enough?", "Can I really help here?", "Is this comment 'good' enough?". The answer is "Yes, yes, yes"! Every comment is worthy and welcome in the Splunk Community. So take that first step, jump into it, reply and help out a fellow community member! This week we want to call out the folks who got a shiny new badge for being a first-time commenter. There are 62 of you - WOW - congrats! Kudos to your bravery 😁. Please take pride and keep commenting y'all! Big thanks to all of you this past week:

@kainitz64 , @Thail , @mwk1000 , @Massin , @splunkmarroko , @jjournet , @EspenLysvik , @iMarko , @aakif , @akhils , @vbatra , @Ershess , @pgeneste , @mockinator44 , @comrumino , @dlm , @Koustav2020 , @rfordiani3,  @skyblue123 , @ohno77 , @sarudhra , @Stuartb_ , @mmacielinski_sp , @riginoommen , @Mofizul , @sduddilla , @simon9 , @positivevibes , @10061987 , @jenniferbarlow_ , @Jackiifilwhh , @meamitjain , @Tomers , @SharmaS2 , @alexis , @Maik11 , @tanzhiyu , @HideOnCode82 , @prabhakar_rhymt , @hofbr , @ljolly , @nicograham , @mcxrisley08 , @ankycampy , @sswigart , @ggvaca , @dilumajeed , @pemancha , @mettomm , @arangineni , @bnybln030 , @itsppp1234 , @s_absinthe , @tmoser , @anila_ec21 , @markmaunu , @crv3347 , @arunakalla , @M_Radoszewski , @jimrp , @Mr2022 , @kristenvipps .

Hopefully, these community members will inspire YOU to make a comment if you haven't already. And, if you're looking to answer some questions, make comments, or offer solutions on Splunk Answers, here's a great way of going about it. On the Splunk Answers page, just click on the dropdown next to “Category Activity” and choose “Unsolved”, or choose your own category of expertise to explore or post a question yourself!

Announcing Our New Splunk Community MVPs Program! 🏅

We are so very excited to launch our new MVP program which recognizes your growing contributions and leadership in our community, alongside the SplunkTrust. This new program will reward a broader collection of top contributors in each community area. We'll be sending emails to folks who we see are engaging with the community in ways like answering questions in Splunk Answers, contributing via our Slack channel or Tech Talks, etc., and we will be recognizing hundreds of members overall. Some of the benefits include a special badge, upgraded permissions, educational perks and learning opportunities, sneak peeks, swag, and more! As the criteria unfold for participation, watch your inbox to join this brand-new program that we are so proud to offer. 

Read the blog post for details >

ICYMI: From Product News & Announcements 🗞

In case you missed it, some great news, updates, and newsletters hit the blog in recent weeks, so be sure to check out some of our favorites:

  • Log Observer Connect Now GA! Splunk Log Observer Connect is a new integration feature that lets Observability Cloud users (i.e. SRE, Developers, CloudOps folks) query the data already being sent to existing Splunk instances with Splunk Log Observer’s intuitive no-code interface, part of Observability Cloud, to ensure the health of mission-critical applications.
  • February Splunk Newsletter These newsletters come out each month and feature updates on Platform, Observability, Security, Product Updates, and more.

 Upcoming Community Events 👏

We always have a bevy of events happening in the community, and here are a few highlighted happenings you might want to check out in the upcoming days/weeks:

Upcoming User Groups:

  • Baltimore User Group 2/28 (Today!): February Meeting [RSVP] Topic TBD
  • Harrisburg User Group 2/28 (Today!): February Meeting [RSVP] Topic TBD
  • Austrian Splunk Meetup 3/7: March Meeting [RSVP] Splunk on Kubernetes & Use Cases as Code in Enterprise Security
  • Dallas User Group 3/8: March Meeting [RSVP] Data Emancipation Automation via “Export Everything” App
  • Chicago User Group 3/10: March Meeting [RSVP] Quest Behind the Quest: Using Observability Cloud to Support Q11yQuest.

Check out the full list to find more user groups in all locations. And you can join any one that you like since they’re all virtual!

Tech Talks Updates:

Keep an eye out for the new March schedule, which is coming up soon! Until then, check out any of the hundreds of Tech Talks we have to offer on-demand!!

— Michelle Schlachta, Community + Content at Splunk

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