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cannot see sourcetype=f5:bigip:asm:syslog logs explicitly


Hello Friends 
I am facing issues that may be caused by input.conf but I am not able to get bottom of the problem
when I search index=network "*f5*"

in which 2 types of sourcetype are coming 

and certain event count against each sourcetype

when search index=network and sourcetype="*f5*", 

then under index=network

and certain event count against each sourcetype

but when I put index=network sourcetype="f5:bigip:asm:syslog"
no events is found

I am collecting the data from f5 on a server (HF) and collecting the data on indexer from HF. Add on are installed but I am not sure whether its configured.

Input.conf contains entry for f5:bigip:syslog

can someone please help


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