complete Splunk noob
Just installed a fresh splunk-6.2.1-245427-x64-release on a Win2012 GUI box and installed:
Cisco Networks (cisco_ios) 2.1.1
Cisco Networks Add-on (TA-cisco_ios) 2.1.0
When I try to configure as per the instructions:
Syslog input: Enable a UDP input with a custom port number on your Splunk forwarder or Splunk indexer. Set the sourcetype to cisco:ios or syslog
I dont get the cisco:ios option as a source type; the only cisco item is cisco:asa
Any ideas why this would happen and how to resolve it?
If you do this through the web interface of your Splunk Enterprise instance then choose custom sourcetype and then add the string cisco:ios in the input field. Leave source as it is, only modify the sourcetype.
If you do this through the web interface of your Splunk Enterprise instance then choose custom sourcetype and then add the string cisco:ios in the input field. Leave source as it is, only modify the sourcetype.
Thanks, I did do that but wasn't sure if it would work. Haven't been able to get any data from the switches yet and thought that might be a cause.
Thanks for the info guys 😉
If you're still not getting any data, check if Splunk is actually listening on the port that you chose with "netstat -an | findstr PORTNUMBER" in the Windows command line.
The next step would be to check your Windows firewall, then any other firewalls in the network.
I think he means in the inputs on your forwarder set the sourcetype to cisco:ios.
ie. in your inputs.conf on your uf.
disabled = 0
index = cisco
sourcetype = cisco:ios
But I'm not using a forwarder, single server instance.