My question is probably related to the (unanswered) question:
I have a single Palo Alto forwarder from which I am sending the logs to an index (one of two) and then searching the data at the search head. I installed the Palo Alto app straight from the and the default has appeared to work just fine until now.
Today I noticed that it appears the parsing is not working properly. If I use the following search:
index=pan_logs sourcetype="pan_traffic"
the search results are parsed correctly with extractions and labels and such, but if I just search for
and I have results from a variety of sources and source types, any results from with sourcetype 'pan_traffic', are NOT parsed at all, do not have any labels and data extracted beyond the very basic syslog parsing:
Selected host
source udp:6514
sourcetype pan_traffic
Event eventtype pan
index pan_logs
linecount 1
_time 2015-07-22T13:36:30.000-04:00
Default punct __::_--.-._,//_::,,,,,//_::,...,...,...,...,__,..\
This makes it hard to correlate the actions of the IP I'm searching for with other events from other sourcetypes.
Any idea what is going on? We need to be able to search a single data point and view the results from all sourcetypes with that data point to get a story of what that data point is doing.
Answer by hlarimer
"the props and transforms are not set to be globally shared across apps for this app. These settings are found in SplunkforPaloAltoNetwork/metadata/default.meta. I changed props, transforms, lookups to system and the fields are now being extracted from the search app."
Edit SplunkforPaloAltoNetwork/metadata/default.meta and change none to system in props, transforms and lookups.
By default...
export = none
export = none
export = none
Taken from
Answer by hlarimer
"the props and transforms are not set to be globally shared across apps for this app. These settings are found in SplunkforPaloAltoNetwork/metadata/default.meta. I changed props, transforms, lookups to system and the fields are now being extracted from the search app."
Edit SplunkforPaloAltoNetwork/metadata/default.meta and change none to system in props, transforms and lookups.
By default...
export = none
export = none
export = none
Taken from
Thanks @dfronck
I found you can also edit the SplunkforPaloAltoNetwork/metadata/local.meta file and add these three stanzas:
I'm guessing that because the default.meta has those specific entries, even though sharing the configurations through the GUI adds a global stanza [], it is not overriding those specific stanzas in the default.meta file.
The app for parsing PAN logs does not share the field extractions. You can use the search category of the app to construct your arbitrary app. Sounds like you are not necessarily searching from within the Palo Alto Networks app.
When you search for "index=pan_logs sourcetype="pan_traffic"" - what app are you searching under?
When you search for "" - what app are you searching under?
If you search for "" under the Palo Alto App's "search" tab w/ verbose mode - what happens?
It could be that the knowledge objects around palo are confined to the app.