This view only returns "Loading..."
<view template="dashboard.html" isVisible="true">
<label>SERVER SELECTOR</label>
<module name="AccountBar" layoutPanel="appHeader" />
<module name="AppBar" layoutPanel="appHeader" />
<module name="SideviewUtils" layoutPanel="viewHeader" />
<module name="Search" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1">
<param name="search">host=* | head 10000 | stats dc(host) by host</param>
<module name="Checkboxes">
<param name="labelField">host</param>
<param name="name">servers</param>
<param name="valueField">host</param>
<param name="staticCheckboxes"/>
While this view (with the button) returns what I expect. (after the button is pressed obviously)
<view template="dashboard.html" isVisible="true">
<label>SERVER SELECTOR</label>
<module name="AccountBar" layoutPanel="appHeader" />
<module name="AppBar" layoutPanel="appHeader" />
<module name="SideviewUtils" layoutPanel="viewHeader" />
<module name="Button" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1">
<param name="label">GO!</param>
<module name="Search" >
<param name="search">host=* | head 10000 | stats dc(host) by host</param>
<module name="Checkboxes">
<param name="labelField">host</param>
<param name="name">servers</param>
<param name="valueField">host</param>
<param name="staticCheckboxes"/>
How do I write this so that the search is dispatched on page load without a button press?
Consider setting autoRun="True" on your search.
Indeed it is. Don't forget to mark this as solved.
Perfect! It is a shame I somehow missed that in reading over (and over again) the sideview docs. Its so obvious once you know.
Thanks again!