I just noticed that in Internet Explorer, the Palo Alto Networks App for Splunk has release notes for Version 5.3 (with a date of 10/5) while Firefox and Chrome show version 5.2 (with a date of 7/7).
There is a similar difference in the Palo Alto Networks Add-on for Splunk (version 3.7 vs 3.6.1)
Seeing this I tried downloading the most recent version from IE, however, I am not able to download from IE.
Is there a reason that not all versions show up in non-IE browsers?
Also, if I am getting started with Palo Alto in Splunk, should I be using version 5.3/3.7?
If so, how do I download the latest versions.
It looks like the newer versions are available from Palo Alto Networks GitHub repository. The versions on GitHub may have updates/changes to them as they go through the Certification process for SplunkBase so your mileage may vary and you need to balance your need for latest and greatest over certification and stability.
It usually takes a little time for apps and add-ons to get through the Splunk Certification process to be available on SplunkBase. I would recommend subscribing to them and you will get notified once they are available officially off Splunkbase.
If you are in a hurry to use them, clone them off GitHub per the instructions on the respective projects pages. You may find your way there from the Palo Alto Networks App for Splunk documentation. It is on the main Overview page under Install from GitHub.
Version 5.3 is not available yet. Not sure why it shows up in IE.
I have noticed some oddities with Splunkbase recently between browser versions and timing. Almost like versions of the site are getting out in the wild sooner than expected.
I just tried all three browsers; IE, Chrome, and Firefox and still see 5.2 and 3.6.1.
It is currently in review by Splunk Certification team and should not show up on SplunkBase. This seems to be an oddity of the new SplunkBase UI that it shows up in some browsers. I removed the new version from SplunkBase until it passes certification. If you want to use the uncertified version in the meantime, you can get it on github:
App: https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks/SplunkforPaloAltoNetworks/releases/tag/5.3.0
Add-on: https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks/Splunk_TA_paloalto/releases/tag/3.7.0