I'm trying to setup the IMAP Mailbox App. When I'm running the get_imap_mail.py from the CLI, I can see all the emails present in the mailbox, but it doesn't index. When I looked at the splunkd.log, I found a lot of these:
09-18-2018 10:27:37.383 -0400 ERROR ExecProcessor - message from "python "C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\IMAPmailbox\bin\get_imap_email.py"" __main__.ConfigError
has anyone else experienced this?
Consider this resolved since to work in Windows, you'll need to this steps first:
Then check the permissions on the IMAPmailbox\local folder as it might changed when you'll modified the inputs.conf and imap.conf.
Make sure that SYSTEM group is present in the permissions...
Consider this resolved since to work in Windows, you'll need to this steps first:
Then check the permissions on the IMAPmailbox\local folder as it might changed when you'll modified the inputs.conf and imap.conf.
Make sure that SYSTEM group is present in the permissions...