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What permissions are required on the firewall for the account that Splunk for Palo Alto Networks uses?


What permissions are required on the firewall for the account that Splunk for Palo Alto Network uses?

Path Finder

as per the document from developer, the account needs the below xml api privileges.

Feature Permission Needed
Commands: pantag, panuserupdate User-ID Agent
Alert Action - Tag to Dynamic Address List User-ID Agent
Command: pancontentpack with PAN-OS < 8.0 Configuration
Command: pancontentpack with PAN-OS >= 8.0 Configuration and Operational Requests

Path Finder

I'm looking for this answer too. Did you ever find it?

0 Karma

Path Finder

can you please explain what you are trying to do, based on that we can answer the access problem. I followed the steps mentioned in the document and was able to configure the TA with firewall\panorama.

0 Karma
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