I have multiple proxies each with different requirements and credentials.
How do I add passwords when the website_monitoring.conf file proxy_password
field is deprecated?
proxy_port = 3128
proxy_server = proxy.aipo.gov.au
proxy_type = http
thread_limit = 200
proxy_user = user
proxy_port = 8080
proxy_server = proxy-bc-vipfv.aipo.gov.au
proxy_type = http
thread_limit = 200
proxy_user = user2
password = password2
When setting password through the UI, it does not store the password field in the .conf file for the first input (as above) but I can't use the UI to edit the other proxies.
@LukeMurphey please help!
The password is stored in secure storage by the UI in order to increase. That said, the proxy passwords will still be loaded from the .conf files if they are defined.
I think the best way to address this is by defining your proxies in website_monitoring.conf as documented here: https://lukemurphey.net/projects/splunk-website-monitoring/wiki/Using_multiple_proxies.
Make sure to add proxy_user and proxy_password to the website_monitoring.spec file (that isn't shown in the example in the link above, but it is supported).
The password is stored in secure storage by the UI in order to increase. That said, the proxy passwords will still be loaded from the .conf files if they are defined.
I think the best way to address this is by defining your proxies in website_monitoring.conf as documented here: https://lukemurphey.net/projects/splunk-website-monitoring/wiki/Using_multiple_proxies.
Make sure to add proxy_user and proxy_password to the website_monitoring.spec file (that isn't shown in the example in the link above, but it is supported).
Turns out the Windows account that we were using didn't have permission to use the proxy... Once that access was added - your instructions worked swimmingly 🙂