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VMware App & CPU Ready


Hello All,

In the VMware app it reports CPU ready for a vCPU as a summation, but honestly I can't think of why anybody would want that stat as a summation.  Is there a way to pull the CPU ready times as a percentage?  

Also, I'd like to request that the next version of the app have CPU ready displayed as a percentage.  Using CPU ready is a very important metric to use when doing capacity estimation, in my opinion it's more useful than using utilization by MHZ (that's how the current app appears to be functioning).

Path Finder

CPU ready time was just about the hardest thing for me to get my head around when I started working with vSphere and I'm still not always sure that I get it completely. The hardest part in understanding ready time is remembering that it is a summation of the ready times for all the vCPUs the VM has. However, when VMware talks about when you should worry they talk about ready times on a per vCPU basis. This means that you have to factor in how many vCPUs a machine has.

VMware says that 1000ms/vCPU should be the warning point and 2000ms/vCPU should be the critical point. Since CPU ready times are collected over a 20 second period (20000ms) these work out to 5% and 10% respectively. The search below is what I use to look at CPU ready times. For any given VM it will look up the VM in the inventory that Splunk generates so that it can divide the SumRdy_ms by the number of CPUs (numCpu). From that I can then get the max values and the average values for my normalized Sum Ready Time.

index=vmware source="VirtualMachinePerf" SumRdy_ms="*" perftype="cpu" moname="vmname"
| lookup TimeHierarchyVMSummary moname
| eval SumRdyPerCpu_ms=(SumRdy_ms / numCpu) 
| timechart max(SumRdy_ms) AS "Sum Ready Time" 
max(SumRdyPerCpu_ms) AS "Max Normalized Ready Time" 
avg(SumRdyPerCpu_ms) AS "Average Normalized Ready Time"

Path Finder

The trouble here is with VMware and not Splunk. VMware stores the ready time as a summation across all vCPUs in each VM.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

So in the raw data of the splunk for vmware app the collection period is 20s. If you want to see the data as a percentage you can just change a search to provide you that data.

For example:

index=vmware source=VirtualMachinePerf SumRdy_ms=* | eval SumRdy_pct=SumRdy_ms/20000 | stats avg(SumRdy_pct) as AvgRdy_pct first(moname) as name by meid
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