I have raw field in the below format.
I wanted the content of file_path like "CSIDL_PROFILE\\appdata"[inclusing quotes]. I tried something like below,
sourcetype="file"|rex "{"device":"*","date":"*","file_path":(?<file>.*)"|table _raw,file
I am not good at rex queries. Please suggest me some ideas to take the values of file_path including quotes.
This looks like json so spath may be an easier option
| spath file_path
| eval file_path="\""+file_path+"\""
Second line adds the quotes back in
If you still want to use rex, try:
| rex "file_path\"\:(?<file_path>\"[^\"]+\")"
simple, value will be extracted to new field called "file_path"
| rex "file_path\":(?<file_path>[^\,]+)"
Hi @Janani_Krish,
if you want to include also quotas, please, try this regex:
| rex "\"file_path\":(?<file_path>[^,]*),"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/IBotDY/1
This looks like json so spath may be an easier option
| spath file_path
| eval file_path="\""+file_path+"\""
Second line adds the quotes back in
If you still want to use rex, try:
| rex "file_path\"\:(?<file_path>\"[^\"]+\")"