Hi everyone,
I have installed the technical add-on for tenable on my search head and it was working until a few days ago. For a few days I always going to get the following error message:
Unable to initialize modular input "tenable_securitycenter_mobile" defined in the app "TA-tenable": Introspecting scheme=tenable_securitycenter_mobile: script running failed (exited with code 1)..
Does anyone know what it means?
Thank you very much for helping me!
Had the same issue.
The problem is with a TA-tenable app and with "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'urllib2'"
urllib2 is no longer supported.
Fixed this issue:
1) delete TA-tenable directory from apps directory on all search nodes
2) install a new version of this app from https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4060/
3) restart splunk
Just app reinstall without manual deleting will not help.
I have just seen a new TA app has been released (v5.0.0 - https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4060/#/details)
I currently have the version 4.0.1
I have exactly the same error after Splunk upgrade to 8.1.3 and ES 6.0.2
It was working fine with Splunk 7.3.5 before
Any suggestion or any idea for troubleshooting?
thank you