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TA-Tomato: parsing log file vs UDP

New Member

I'm configuring TA-Tomato to process logs from DD-WRT router.  I've successfully configured data input to listen on UDP/514 port with source type "tomato" and it receives logs from my router just fine.  However, this only works for basic logs detailed logs showing both accepted and dropped packets overwhelm the router.  I want to capture detailed logs.

My router has no problem logging detailed logs into a file, so I've configured router to write log to a directory I've made accessible on the network.   I've mounted this directory on the Splunk server.

When I changed the data input to a file, logs are not correctly parsed.  I only see "tomato:dnsmasq-dhcp" sourcetypes, yet I've confirmed other logs are present in the file.  Why are they not picked up?

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