Has anyone upgraded to Splunk 6.x and currently use this app version 4.8? is it compatible?
downgrade complete
I'm also running Netscaler 10.0. I'm downgrading.
The Automated reporting does not generate a PDF, i'm getting CSV files emailed. I selected the PDF option in the Searches and Reports.
Kinda, but with a few caveats.
The indexing portion of this app has been split from the main app. This is found in the /appserver/addons/NS_Indexer directory. Copy that into $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps on your indexer and restart
Change the inputs.conf from UDP:8514 to UDP:514 or allow UDP 8514 from your Netscaler.
the main page (Netscaler Overview) is not fully compliant with Splunk 6.0.2. There is a stylesheet overriding the menu under Settings. The other dashboards work fine.