During the DB Connect install , Splunk picks up the old version as seen below.
This version of 1.7 is set as JAVA_HOME for a different agent (Udeploy agent) installed in the same host.
We set JAVA_HOME to point to the jdk 1.8u121 in the .bashrc file for the splunk account. But still it picks this old version.
I tried providing the latest version path and clicked on SAVE to restart the task server , but still DB Connect is not up as shown below.
But a manual restart of splunk on the host fixes this and DB Connect is UP and fine. But as per Splunk doc , we just need to provide the right java path and save . Splunk restart is not required at all.
Firstly , how to make Splunk pick the right JAVA version?
Secondly , why not providing the rigth JAVA PATH and saving it make it work? Why is Splunk resrart required?
Try adding "/jre" to your JAVA_HOME path. From what I have read, it requires a JRE, and not the JDK.
I had a similar problem and ended up modifying
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk_app_db_connect/linux_x86_64/bin/customized.java.path which appears to retain whatever path was configured when the app was setup.
I changed the contents to:
so it'll cover me the next time I upgrade.
I don't know if this is recommended, but it did work.
This appears to be a bug. Look for DBX-4124 in the Release Notes to see when it is updated. In the interim, a restart appears to be the only workaround.
@saranya_fmr - Sounds like you did a good job cross checking with the docs but still ran into some break/fix issues. I encourage you to open a support ticket with Splunk. Let's make sure that whatever the root cause gets documented and fixed and the supporting documentation is clear. Cool?
Silly me, I see you DID open a support case already! Great job!
Does the 1.7 Java path existin on your system? Is it required?
Can you check the dbx_settings.conf file for JDK path?
Also based on the OS in your case linux_x86_64\bin,you can check the same folder in DB Connect app's Splunk folder for the path in customized.java.path whether it is JDK 1.8 or 1.7.
Yes the 1.7 version is needed for the other version.
After I replace the old 1.7 path with the 1.8 path in the UI and click on Save of Task server settings, the dbx_settings.conf file is reflecting as below.
bash-4.2$ more dbx_settings.conf
javaHome = /opt/applocal/asts/vendor/java/jdk/jdk1.8.0_121
But still the UI shows the error message "Unable to communicate to task server" and the app is down.
I dont find customized.java.path in any of the files. I only see this commnds.conf. Where do I check for this?
filename = customized.java.path
filename = customized.java.path
filename = customized.java.path
Folder linux_x86_64 should be present at the root path where ever DB Connect 3 is installed in Splunk directory.
yes , it takes 1.8
bash-4.2$ more customized.java.path