There's been a couple of reports of this error when running the Splunk DB Connect 3 migration script:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./app_migration.py", line 907, in <module>
File "./app_migration.py", line 143, in check_file_to_be_backuped
_copy_dir(from_dir, to_dir)
File "./app_migration.py", line 121, in _copy_dir
print("backup directory {} to location {}".format(from_dir, to_dir))
ValueError: zero length field name in format
The reason for this error is that you're using the system Python instead of Splunk's Python.
To avoid this issue, follow the directions at http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/DBX/3.0.0/DeployDBX/MigratefromDBConnectv1#User_permissions
The reason for this error is that you're using the system Python instead of Splunk's Python.
To avoid this issue, follow the directions at http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/DBX/3.0.0/DeployDBX/MigratefromDBConnectv1#User_permissions
The reason for this error is that you're using the system Python instead of Splunk's Python.
To avoid this issue, follow the directions at http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/DBX/3.0.0/DeployDBX/MigratefromDBConnectv1#User_permissions