I am getting the following error whenever I try to use SQL explorer or create an input in DB Connect 3:
Error in 'dbxquery' command: Could not
find file: 'java.path'
I have another server where I'm getting a similar, but slightly different error:
Error in 'dbxquery' command: Could not
find file: 'custom.java.path'
The JRE home settings populated automatically in the DB Connect settings, and I've tried switching between the JRE and JDK home directories with no success. What would cause this type of error?
Thank you!
Version compatibility was the issue. After upgrading to Splunk 6.6, this issue was solved.
Changing the path to JDK installation path solved my error. It was poiting to JRE installtion directory before. If problem is not resolved, try to change the jdk version.
Version compatibility was the issue. After upgrading to Splunk 6.6, this issue was solved.
I have the same problem splunk note me:Error in 'dbxquery' command: Could not find file: 'customized.java.path'
I have the same issue. I dont have bin on the path.
java version is 1.8.0_121
JRE Installation path(JAVA_HOME): C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121
I am having the same issue. using java 1.8.0_101
Any new answers?
I think I solved this problem, before I use the splunk6.3, has been prompted to find java.path, then I upgraded the splunk to 6.6, went to mysql official website to download the latest jdbc, and then download the compressed package Decompression to the driver, just fine
What java.path are you using? What path is your java bin?
When you run the command "java version", what it shows?
You must be using JDK only on version 8 at least update 121 or later
Could you try add just: C:\Program Files\Java as the path?
Hi @gfreitas That didn't work.
I changed the path to C:\program files\Java
I got error when I click "save" button on the general settings.
c:\program files\splunk\python-2.7\lib\subprocess.py\ , line 958, in_execute_child startup info WindowsError [Error 2] The sytem cannot find the file specified
Hi, anyone has any suggestion on how to resolve this.