Hello Guys,
I try to set up the Splunk Mobile Gateway, but it didn't work for me.
On the configure tab, I've this error ;
Then, on the status Dashboard :
Error found in splnuk_app_cloudgateway.log :
ResourceNotFound: [HTTP 404]
The proxy seems to be correctly setup and all gateway inputs are enabled.
Any idea ?
Problem solved : It was a misconfiguration about the https on the proxy !
A brand new test environment is up and running and the gateway application is now working as expected.
So, for me it appears to have been a problem with something in RHEL 6.10 or something we did to it. I do not recall seeing a requirement for RHEL 7 in the documentation just that “linux” was supported. I would not be entirely surprised if I have managed to miss this though.
Anyway, all good now, except I will have to upgrade the production SHCluster nodes to RHEL 7 as well... which really had to be done anway... i have just been putting it off!
First, you have to setup https from end-to-end. From my experience, http won't work (in my case at least).
The setup that work for me in cloudgateway.conf
https_proxy = https://user:password@proxyIP:proxyPort
Another tricky point : you may have to clear your browser cache or use private navigation when configuring the app. It may solve issues...
Thanks for your reply. 🙂
Unfortunately I am told by our network team that I cannot set a proxy in that manner as the proxy is basically the default gateway... dah.
Oh well, I will try reinstalling in incognito mode and see if that helps.
Problem solved : It was a misconfiguration about the https on the proxy !
I am having a very similar (if not the same) issue and was wondering if you could shed some light on what was wrong with your https proxy configuration?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! 🙂