Tried using my own cert, but didn't work so I thought I would try to use the auto-generated option instead. I got the JSON file, but when I went to merge it, and followed the steps to remove the extra characters, Microsoft rejected the Manifest from being uploaded.
As a test, I downloaded the manifest and uploaded it right back in without an issue, so there's definitely something wrong with the JSON output.
This is the error Microsoft is generating (along with a ton of data):
Invalid array passed in, ',' expected. (367):
I had a similar issue. Turns out that at the end of the JSON supplied by the TA, it was missing a ,
. It should look like this:
"keyCredentials": [
"usage": "Verify",
"keyId": "yourkeyidhere",
"value": "youvaluehere",
"customKeyIdentifier": "yourcustomKeyhere",
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert"
]**,** <------------Notice the ","
But instead, the TA returns it like this:
"keyCredentials": [
"usage": "Verify",
"keyId": "yourkeyidhere",
"value": "youvaluehere",
"customKeyIdentifier": "yourcustomKeyhere",
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert"
I changed that and it accepted my JSON file.
When copying the auto generated key credentials, make sure to replace everything between the two commas surrounding the key credentials section in the manifest. If still in doubt use a JSON editor to check your JSON.
Thanks, I ran it through a JSON editor and got this error
Error: Parse error on line 12:
...customKeyIdentifier.....Expecting EOF, }, | got "
When I look at the line, it starts like this (the wif...replaced the real identifier):
keyCredentials": ["customKeyIdentifier": "wifwifnwfnwfnwdfwdf", "keyId": "112121212212".....
You're missing the opening ". It should start with
"keyCredentials": [{"customKeyIdentifier" ...
and end with
... ", "keyId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"}]