I just started using the TA-QualysCloudPlatform app and noticed that it is not pulling any of our Qualys Asset tags. Has anyone been able to figure out a way to tweak the API calls to include Qualys asset tags?
Hello imarks005,
This application doesn't pull tags par default.
But API V2 of Qualys provides this character. You can add it by changing some script of TA application.
The script you need change is detectionpopulator.py, located at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-QualysCloudPlatform/bin/splunkpopulator/
1 add field "show_tags"
def get_api_parameters(self):
return dict({"action": "list", "show_igs": 1,"show_tags":1,
'truncation_limit': self.truncation_limit}.items() + self._detection_api_filters.items())
2 when process xml file, don't forget extract TAG from xml
in function _process_root_element(self, elem)
hope it could help you.
Hi @Lindaiyu
That's what I was searching for for a weeks. You're a lifesaver 🙂
Thanks for the help.