I upgraded to version 1.0.3 and now I get the following error in the _internal log:
07-27-2018 14:30:01.195 +0000 ERROR ExecProcessor - message from "python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-MS-AAD/bin/MS_AAD_signins.py" HTTP Request error: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://graph.windows.net/notTheRealDomain.onmicrosoft.com/activities/signinEvents?api-version=beta&...
This is most likely an issue with a previous checkpoint Date/Time value. Try disabling the existing input and creating a new input specifying a Date/Time to start gathering data.
I was having the same issue but only running the code directly from Azure (inside an Azure Website). I solved upgrading 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory' package to '2.6.1-alpha'. Linksys Support
Should you have any suggestions, please let me know.
This is most likely an issue with a previous checkpoint Date/Time value. Try disabling the existing input and creating a new input specifying a Date/Time to start gathering data.
Can someone provide me a sample timestamp that works? Having trouble with this as well.
The following is working for us
index = mscs
interval = 60
max_records = 10
start_date = 2018-07-19T00:00:00Z
tenant_domain = X.onmicrosoft.com
Thanks, it worked for me as well
Thanks. That did work.
Would be great if the code handled this 'gotcha' during an upgrade. Also if it was in the upgrade notes so a user doesnt need to search the forum for a solution.
I got the same error after upgraded to 1.0.3.
I added a debug statement to the script and it showed the following error response:
DEBUG pid=3794 tid=MainThread file=base_modinput.py:log_debug:286 | {u'code': u'', u'message': u"The time zone information is missing on the DateTimeOffset value '2018-07-27T13:49:59.986522'. A DateTimeOffset value must contain the time zone information."}