After upgrade to 6.4 I can't see follows at Predict Numeric Fields dashboards:
1. Raw Data Preview is empty;
2. Fit Model Parameters Summary is empty;
3. Actual vs. Predicted Overlay is empty.
Links "Create New Model" and "Load Existing Settings" doesn't work as well.
Whats the problem?
Dear All.
After I press F5(Refresh) all features appear.
Problem have solved)))
Dear All.
After I press F5(Refresh) all features appear.
Problem have solved)))
Slider which define backet size on "Residuals Histogram" panel disappear as well.
I use Windows installation of Splunk.
I've upgraded Python for Scientific Computing to version 1.1 and ML Toolkit and Showcase to version 1.0.
I've also upgrade Python for Scientific Computing to version 1.1 and ML Toolkit and Showcase to version 1.0.