I am trying to limit the choices in the default timepicker in Simple XML.
The ideas is to only keep: "Presets" and "Date & Time Range", and delete the rest for a specific application.
Can you please provide me a way to do this ?
Note: in the Times.conf file, seems like i can only disable/enable what is included in the "Presets" dropdown.
Thank you,
As an alternative to JavaScript, you can also manipulate the Dashboard Style Sheet (Splunk 6.2.x). Editing the dashboard stylesheet can be done while the site is running and will be the least intrusive to operations.
Every accordion element (div) in the timepicker module starts with a specific prefix. By using the CSS selector attribute capability you can query the specific DIV ID's. Settting the matching ID's to 'display: none;' effectively removes the HTML element from visibility/use.
The configuration below will display the two options you requested. The optional component prefixes are commented out for anyone that wants to customize this differently.
/* ------------------------------------------------- */
/* Hides or display specific portions of the */
/* Datetimepicker accordion */
/* ------------------------------------------------- */
div[id^='realtime_view'] {
display: none;
You may be able to use the debug/refresh endpoint to update the change, however I've found that it works best if you restart splunk or splunkweb after applying the change for the first time. Note: Your end users may have to clear/refresh their browser page caches as well.
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk restart splunkweb
Thanks @runner724
Got it working now, also found background color and width for those interested.
background: #F8FCF7;
background-color: #EDF8EB;
min-width: 300px !important;
width: 400px !important;
background-color: #D1ECCC;
<!-- div[data-test^='relative'], -->
<!--div[data-test-panel-id^='preset'], -->
display: none !important;
thanks this worked for me. while keeping 'present' and 'date range' using above css, i also need to keep only "week to date" and "month to date" "previous week" and previous month" in the 'present'./
can help me with this.
Yeah my CSS only works for the presets tab column. Looking at the CSS for the 'Advanced' major tab, I see:
(...) data-test-panel-id="advanced" (...)
So logically I would expect this CSS to remove that entire tab:
div[data-test-panel-id^='advanced'] {
display: none !important;
Hello all,
1 - I created /opt/splunk/etc/apps/MyApp/appserver/static/dashboard.css with the exact content of the dashboad.css above
2 - I added script="dashboard.css" to my xml file. The first line is now like:
<form script="dashboard.css">
3 - I confirmed that the permissions in the folders and files are ok. I restarted Splunk.
Even so, I still have all the default options in the timepicker. Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
Does this still work in V7.1?
Thanks in advance.
@nuaraujo You need to use:
<form stylesheet="dashboard.css">
One thing to add here:
can let you refresh your web assets without restarting all of splunkweb.
Thanks for the info. With the latest release, you should be able to add the CSS directly into the xml. On top of that, using the strategy below, you can even hide specific items. In the example below, I've hidden the presets link for: today, last 15m, last 60m, last 4hr, and last 24hr.
div[id^='presets_view3278'], >> PRESETS
div[id^='daterange_view3278'], >> Date Range
div[id^='advanced_view3278'], >> Advanced
div[id^='relative_view3278'], >> Relative
div[id^='realtime_view3278'] >> Realtime{
display: none;
li a[data-earliest^='@d'],
li a[data-earliest^='-15m'],
li a[data-earliest^='-60m@m'],
li a[data-earliest^='-4h@m'],
li a[data-earliest^='-24h@h'],
display: none;
Hi, you can do this with javascript. Have you ever expanded simple xml dashboards with javascript? If so, it should not be a problem for you to add this. If not, you get information here.
'splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!'], function(_, $, mvc){
// Timerange Test
var mypresetsettings = {
showCustomDateTime: true,
showPresets: true,
showCustomRealTime: false,
showCustomAdvanced: false,
showCustomRelative: false,
showCustomDate: false
// Show only the date and time submenue of the timerangepicker
var timeRangePicker = mvc.Components.getInstance("input1");
timeRangePicker.options.dialogOptions = mypresetsettings;
You can edit, which presets are available in the "mypresetsettings" object, just toggle from true to false if you want to see it.
Be aware, that "input1" was the id for the time range picker for me. This can be different for you, if it is not the first input element.
If you add a .js file you have to restart your splunk to make it recognize it.
Has this worked ? I tried it and I have issues getting it to work.
for me this script worked in 7.1 version but not working in 7.2.1
Is there any solution to this problem ??
for me this script worked in 7.1 version but not working in 7.2.1
Is this script worked in Splunk 7.2 ?