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Jira Issues collector

Path Finder

Hello everyone ,

I have recently installed the Splunk Add-on Jira issues collector and I :
+ Added my jira account
+ Added input : jira_issues and jira_comment (i I followed the steps in this link : )
But i have not data when i tap the search index=jira
Any help please ?

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Super Champion

Just want to double check one thing:
you used your jira service account and api token, as well as your jira site url, for the configs? Not just your jira username/password?

0 Karma


Hey @cmerriman ,

i am also stuck on the same.

Just to reply you, there is credential required, while making configuration, just a random account_name, and service account credential, with which jira is accessible.

And in Inputs tab, site URL is required, that is jira website. I am unable to find logs, where it is breaking.

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