I have integrated JIRA app for Splunk using the link:
sourcetype = jira
interval = 60
server = abc-XXX-a001
protocol = https
port = 8443
jql = issueType in (epic, story)
fields = *
username = splunk123
password = splunk321
disabled = 0
hostname = abc-XXX-a001
username = splunk123
password = splunk321
jira_protocol = https
jira_port = 8443
This setup worked and pulled just 1 JIRA(out of 1000s) event and stopped.
After that I see every 1 min in /lib_jira.log
INFO pid=29870 tid=MainThread file=jira.py:collect_events:334 | ADDED 0 events
What change do I need to do ?