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I can't find scheduling.. (ML Toolkit)



I’ve found a problem for using ‘ML Toolkit’.(This may be a problem that is specific to my computer.)

The problem is that I can’t find any tabs like ‘alerts ‘or ‘scheduled trainings’ in my Experiments.

I can see only ‘Edit Title and Description’ and ‘Delete’ tabs.

But, I could find tabs like ‘alerts ‘or ‘scheduled trainings’ in someone else’s

What sould I do to solve this?


Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee


There are currently (MLTK 3.2) two workflows - one is the legacy Assistant workflow (found under legacy in the menu bar along the top) and the other is under the "Experiments" tab.

The Legacy Assistants no longer have a schedule or alert button, but may be updated in future releases.

When you click on an example in the Showcase, you are taken to a legacy Assistant workflow, so there will be no Alert or Schedule option. You can of course take the SPL from the Assistant and build your own.

In Experiments, if you follow the new workflow, you have the option to create and manage alerts and retraining (Scheduled Searches) as laid out in our docs :

Does that help? Can you give a little more detail on which workflow you are using?

0 Karma


Thanks for your answer!

But i have already done like you teach me..
Create alert and schedule training buttons in Manage tab are not activated...

What should i do to activate buttons?

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

You need to save your experiments before creating an alert or scheduling a training on experiment.

Steps would be :
- Save your experiment
- It will take you to a listing page
- You can click on Manage button to create alerts or schedule trainings on experiments as shown below

alt text

0 Karma


Thanks! But create alert and schedule training buttons are not activated...

I have already done like your teaching

0 Karma


Yes, Same issue i'm also facing. If anyone got resolution, pls help. Even though we successfully save after that manage dropdown showing only 2 options, missing schedule training and alerting.





0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

I know it's a little late but for anyone else having this issue, if there's no SPL in your experiment when saved then the option for creating an alert won't appear.

0 Karma
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