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How to show only the selected time in axis label in timeline custom visualization?


I have searching data from only first 6 days of each month i.e for example: from 1st April to 4th April 2020
My first time value is 04/01/2020 09:20 and the latest is 04/07/2020 07:05, but in the timeline chart visualization its displaying axis label as 04/01/2020 04/07/2020 04/14/2020 ........ 05/02/2020

Is it possible to force the timeline to display the full range of only my search, or manually set the time range?
I want the timeline to always displays the values which only in time field .

Any advice and assistance is appreciated. Thanks,

0 Karma

Ultra Champion


| makeresults count=2
| streamstats count
| eval _time=if(count=1,relative_time(_time,"@mon"),relative_time(_time,"+1mon@mon+7d"))
| makecontinuous span=1d _time
| streamstats count as test
| streamstats count(eval(test % 6 = 1)) as session
| stats min(eval(round(_time))) as time by session
| eval time=strftime(time,"%F")
| table time session

If x-axis is text, it displays good.

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

alt text
my splunk

0 Karma


@to4kawa ohh , not line chart . I am saying about timeline custom visualization.

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

I see, I'm sorry misunderstand.

0 Karma


@to4kawa Thank you for your reply.
I tried to execute the above sample query , but still in Timeline visualization , axis labels showing
04/05/2020 04/12/2020 04/19/2020 04/26/2020 05/03/2020

It should display as below for above sample query
04/01/2020 04/07/2020 04/13/2020 04/19/2020 04/25/2020 05/01/2020 05/07/2020

Please suggest.

0 Karma
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