So I want to use Epoch time including milliseconds for my rising column checkpoint value as it is a very busy Oracle database and the instructions mention that if you don't, you might lose some data, and seeing as there are many entries per second milliseconds are necessary; however given the example value below as the checkpoint value I receive the following java error
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ".1"
But if the value is 1531262688 everything is fine and works as it should
Is there a workaround anyone knows of so that a float can be used, not just an integer. Not sure why it is called an input string when it is supposed to be a numerical value but I suppose that is beside the point.
Thanks in advance to anyone who knows of a solution.
If there is no simple answer for this then I realized I can modify the query to make the value and integer
SELECT regexp_replace(EPOCH,'\.','') as MOD_EP
If there is no simple answer for this then I realized I can modify the query to make the value and integer
SELECT regexp_replace(EPOCH,'\.','') as MOD_EP